Broadband Premises Installer Certification Study Resources
on the topics in the exam curriculum that you need to study the most. You may
rely upon local technical sessions and certification study groups at SCTE·ISBE
chapters to build your knowledge. In addition, national SCTE·ISBE onsite and
online training courses, vendor training, books and archived webinars as well as
education at SCTE•ISBE events, on-the-job training, publications and other
technical resources may help prepare candidates for certification.
Broadband Premises Installer Program
Most effective study
Broadband Installation and Service Course
Other effective study resources:
Broadband Premises Installation Fundamentals
Broadband Premises Troubleshooting I
Broadband Premises Troubleshooting II
An individual who uses the suggested study resources has reasonable
assurance that a significant number of exam topics are covered throughout the
study resources.
Equal opportunity will be provided to all certification
candidates regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, color,
ancestry, mental or physical disability or handicap, veteran's status or any
other classification protected by applicable law.