SCTE Standards Program

The SCTE standards program is the industry's only ANSI-accredited forum for the development of technical specifications supporting cable telecommunications. Standards work includes: data and telephony over cable; application platform development; digital video; emergency alert systems; network monitoring systems; cables, connectors and amplifiers; construction and maintenance practices; energy management, and more.

Corporate membership in the program is open to any organization in the cable telecommunications industry. Member organizations develop standards and recommended practices through their technical representatives who serve on committees an subcommittees under the SCTE Standards Categories below. The program currently has a long-term outlook of advancing new standards programs such as energy management over the next several years. Strengthen your company's grasp on future standards that will affect your business by getting involved early in the process. 

SCTE Standards Categories



Learn about SCTE•ISBE Standards membership benefits and how your organization can join. Download the Standards Brochure.   To learn more about SCTE•ISBE Energy Standards and recommended practices, download the EMS Brochure.

See the full picture and learn how digital video solutions are driving business results; download the DVS Brochure.

  Learn what’s happening in network operations, who’s involved, and how you can join them; download the NOS Brochure

Programming and Advertising Members Wanted
SCTE is currently seeking new members in all membership categories to participate in work in fiber-optics networks, advanced advertising, 3D television, and other important topics. Of particular interest is membership from the content (program and advertising) provider and user communities. Standards membership is open to all directly and materially affected parties as defined in SCTE's membership rules and operating procedures. Join today to participate in the development process or learn more by e-mailing  

Keep Up with Cable Technology Through SCTE Standards

SCTE offers many convenient ways for companies and individuals to learn and stay connected with the SCTE Standards Program.

Standards Project Register
The Standards Project Register contains a complete list of all SCTE Standards projects, including standards, recommended practices and projects withdrawn from consideration.  All projects are organized according to project type and highlight important dates along the approval process, starting from the Project Authorization Request (PAR) through to SCTE approval and ANSI final action where applicable.  Download the latest Project Register

ANSI Public Review of SCTE Standards
SCTE 203 2019 Product Environmental Requirements for Cable Telecommunications Facilities - Test Methods (public review closes December 16, 2019)
SCTE 231 2019 General Test Procedures for Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Metrics and in Support of Functional Density Metrics (public review closes December 30, 2019)
SCTE 232 2019 Key Performance Metrics: Energy Efficiency & Functional Density of CMTS, CCAP, and Time Server Equipment (public review closes December 30, 2019)
SCTE 132 2019 Test Method for Reverse Path (Upstream) bit error rate (public review closes December 30, 2019)