Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Mission of SCTE?
SCTE’s Mission is to provide technical leadership for the telecommunications industry and serve its members through excellence in professional development, standards, certification, and information.
Who are the members of SCTE?
SCTE’s membership consists of all levels of technical professionals from the cable telecommunications industry. From field-level employees, such as installers and technicians, to operational management to engineering and planning professionals to executives, members represent all levels from operators, vendors and programmers.
What are the benefits of SCTE Membership?
SCTE offers its members a wide array of benefits—from technical training and development programs to networking with peers to a large inventory of technical papers, publications and documents.
How is SCTE governed?
SCTE was built upon member involvement, and today, SCTE still relies on members to provide the direction and leadership necessary to keep the Society’s programs and services relevant to the industry. For information on the SCTE Board of Directors, click here.