MicroLessons are short, focused learning segments made available only to our members. Our learner centric, just-in-time training is available on multiple devices, easily accessible and meant for you to be able to apply to your job immediately.
Our MicroLessons include but are not limited to Primers, Microlearnings, and LightningMods™. Complimentary as part of your SCTE•ISBE membership.
MicroLessons are intended to serve several purposes:
Expand knowledge of a Technology, Process or Program
Serve as a Technical Refresher
Prep for SCTE·ISBE Certifications
Aid in Individual Development
The 2018 MicroLessons are available on the “MyLearning” tab on your SCTE·ISBE “Account” page. Login and under your “Active Training” section the 2018 Member MicroLessons will be available. Click the “Launch” button to access the SCTE Training Portal. Click again on 2018 Member Microlessons to activate the MicroLessons.
Figure – Active Training Screen from SCTE.org
New members will receive access to the Member Microlessons training portal
within 24 hours of signing up for a membership. Interested in becoming a
click here to join.
LightningMods are part of our
VirtuLearn® training platform. A revolutionary, interactive, multisensory
MicroLesson that engages the brain to make learning stick! In as little as
10 minutes, learners get a clear and concise overview of a topic, framing
objectives in context that learners understand. SCTE•ISBE has over 35
LightningMods and is currently offering the following three as sample
content for members only:
What is Fiber Deep?
What is EPON?
Introduction to DOCSIS 3.1 Installation
Learn more about LightningMods here.
SCTE•ISBE Primers answer the question “What is” in less than 2 minutes. Primers are an interactive, multisensory MicroLesson. Our latest Primer answers the question What is IoT LoRAWAN?
The following Primers are new for 2018 and may be accessed through the “ My Learning” tab of your account page.
What is Fiber Deep?
What is R-PHY (DAA)?
What is DOCSIS 3.1?
- What is OFDM?
- What is 5G?
- What is IoT LoRAWAN?
SCTE•ISBE has over 30 Primers available to members only. Archived Primers
may be viewed on the links below:
Short, focused MicroLessons that meet a specific learning outcome in
approximately 2-5 minutes. SCTE•ISBE MicroLearnings include both technical and leadership development content.
The following MicroLearnings are new for 2019 and may be accessed through the “ My Learning” tab of your account page.
- 10G Explained
- Career Development
® Patent Pending